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To give you plenty of opportunities to practise with your partner in preparation for The Pickleball Association of WA's (PAWA) sanctioned outdoor tournament next year, we are running a ladder competition. The teams who finish at the top of the ladder by 31st December 2022 will win a Pickleball West Shop Voucher.

Details in short:

  • Teams can be both men, both women, or mixed.

  • Enter at any time - no upfront cost to enter.

  • Matches are played during the first half of our Sunday afternoon social sessions (you don't have to commit to every Sunday).


  • Players team up with a partner - teams can be either two women, two men, or mixed. All teams will enter one ladder to start with, and then once numbers allow, separate ladders for separate divisions will be created.

  • The first team to enter is placed at the top of the ladder; new teams will be placed on the rung below the lowest team and will work their way up from there. To work your way up the ladder, teams challenge the team that is one rung above them on the ladder.

  • Matches are best of three games first to 11 win by two. If your team beats the team you challenged, you swap positions on the ladder.

Match times:

  • Matches are played during the first 45 minutes (3:30pm - 4:15pm) of our Sunday socials. If your match is finished in less than 45 minutes, you can start a second match that won't be counted.

  • You will be mixed in with the rest of the social players for the rest of the session.

Arranging matches: 

  • Teams will contact the team they wish to challenge directly, and the challenged team then has 3 Sundays to be available for the challenge match. If the challenged team is unavailable for 3 weeks, then they lose by default.

  • Once a match is arranged, both teams must message Jayne so she knows not to include those four players in the match-ups until 4:15pm. If any player cannot stay beyond 4:15pm for the remainder of the social session, they must message Jayne by 2:30pm so she knows not to include them in the second half of the match-ups.

To enter: 

  • Message Jayne on 0417 950 474 if you'd like to enter.

  • There is no upfront cost to enter; all players will just need to book a spot for the social session for when they have arranged their match.