Maths Tutoring with Jayne


Tutoring Session Information

Qualified maths teacher

With 15+ years' experience, Jayne is a qualified maths teacher and will equip your child with the skills to improve their results.

Cost and location

Each 1-hr private session is $100 and is at Unit 1/ 25 Burler Dr in the Vasse Business Park.

Semi-private sessions

Sessions can be semi-private if your child would like to organise a friend doing the same course to join their session, or if you'd like a sibling to work independently in the session with the ability to ask Jayne questions in between Jayne explicitly teaching the student who the session is mainly for. The total cost is the same, so two students would pay $50ea.

Online tutoring available

Sessions can also be done online, where students can view and listen to Jayne’s teaching while asking questions as they follow along and have their work checked by Jayne.

Session times

Session times are Monday through Friday 3:30pm, 4:35pm, 5:40pm, and 6:45pm (7pm Tue & 5:55pm, 7pm Thur).

Public holidays

Sessions will still run on public holidays. If you plan on being away and it is more convenient to not come in for tutoring, the session can be moved online for your child to either participate during the session or watch the recording at a later date.

Session swaps

If at least two weeks' notice is given so that I have the opportunity to arrange a swap with another student, planned missed sessions (such as camp etc) can be rescheduled to another time during the week if I can make the swap happen, otherwise the session will be recorded and available for viewing at a later date.

School holidays

Sessions do not run during school holidays (as per WA school term dates), unless requested by the student.

Missed sessions

Unexpected missed sessions (such as illness or inability to be driven) can be swapped to an online session, for on-line participation or viewable at a later date.

Going on holiday early

If your child's school year finishes earlier than Term 4 Week 10 or if it suits you better, sessions in Week 8/9/10 of Term 4 can be rescheduled to the second last and last week of the Summer holidays to prepare them for the following year of school. Please arrange this with me at least 2 weeks prior to the planned early finish.

Cancellation notice

4 weeks' notice is required to cease tutoring, unless I'm able to fill the spot earlier.

Parents can use a hotdesk

Parents can use a hotdesk during the session, or can just come back at pick up time.

All resources provided

Jayne provides all resources including homework and practice tests.

Child's maths course outline

All Jayne needs is your child's maths course outline - please request it from your child's school and email it to Jayne at

SMS to enquire

Please send Jayne an sms on 0417 950 474 to enquire about availability.

Why the strange website?

Just in case there is any confusion, the rest of this website is for Jayne's other pickleball business.

2025 WA School Term Dates

Term 1

Mon 3 Feb - Fri 11 Apr

Term 2

Mon 28 Apr - Fri 4 Jul

Term 3

Mon 21 Jul - Fri 26 Sep

Term 4

Mon 13 Oct - Thu 18 Dec